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In regions with extensive wetlands, such as those monitored by the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD), 蚊子 pose ongoing challenges as disease vectors and as nuisance. 这就是综合蚊子管理战略发挥作用的地方,以减少蚊子种群水平和调查疾病存在. 当然, 而灭蚊产品则经过严格的测试和监管,同时获得EPA的注册, 补充的实地研究通常是为了证明产品的功效和影响.

在这种情况下, MMCD进行了一项全面的实地研究,以检验natural G 's及其有效成分, qalcova品牌的spinosad -能够控制蚊子,同时最大限度地减少对非目标生物的伤害. These two studies were conducted via treatments in both vernal pools and cattail marshes, presenting a detailed analysis of Natular G’s efficacy and non-target impact.

For the full study, visit MMCD’s site here:


Addressing Environmental Concerns: The Reasons Behind MMCD’s Research

随着MMCD开始采用天然制剂系列作为其灭蚊和抗药性管理战略的一部分, largely due to its EPA classification as a reduced risk pesticide. MMCD的技术咨询委员会(TAB)仍然对spinosad的使用表示关注, the active ingredient in Natular G, in spring vernal pools, where in addition to mosquito larvae, various invertebrates critical to the local ecosystem lived. 在回应, 2012年和2013年成立了一个TAB小组,专门进行研究,更专门地测试天然G对这些本地无脊椎动物的影响.

Study sites were selected based on the historic breeding areas of 伊蚊 蚊子 in the spring, 2014年研究了春天的池塘,2015年研究了补充香蒲沼泽. Testing conducted by MMCD used a double-blind study design to minimize biases.

这项研究为天然水G在春季水池和香蒲沼泽中的应用提供了见解, 强调其对蚊虫综合管理策略的有效性和生态意义.



Comprehensive Approach: Natular G’s Impact in Vernal Wetlands and Cattail Marshes

Vernal Wetland Study (2014)

In the vernal wetland study, ten sites were selected based on their historical productivity of spring hatching 伊蚊 蚊子. MMCD employed a double-blind method, 其中一半的春池部位使用天然G颗粒,另一半使用空白颗粒,以消除偏差,确保结果的有效性.

MMCD的研究小组在使用天然G颗粒前3天,以及使用天然G颗粒后7天和14天,沿着水面和湿地底部附近随机选择的样带收集样本. Samples were collected at the water’s surface and near the wetland bottom. 在实验室里, 然后,MMCD处理收集的样本,并确定每个样本中存在的选定无脊椎动物的数量和种类.

整体, it was found that there was no significant impact on fairy shrimp, 指甲蛤, and freshwater snails present in the vernal pools. In addition, Natular G achieved a reduction in various spring 伊蚊 species ranging from 53% to 84%.

不幸的是, one of the invertebrates, 片脚类, MMCD希望研究的TAB亚组在研究时并不存在于春水池中.

Cattail Marsh Study (2015)

In 2014, 由于春水池中没有片脚类动物,2015年的一项后续研究将重点放在了发现片脚类动物的香蒲沼泽上. Similarly to the vernal pool study, MMCD used a double-blind methodology, 其中5个香蒲沼泽使用天然G处理,5个只使用空白颗粒. 在处理前后,以相同的时间间隔,利用基区锥体诱捕器收集各沼泽的无脊椎动物和成蚊,然后在实验室用MMCD进行分析.

Despite minimal control of Cq. perturbans (cattail mosquito) by Natular G in cattail marshes, 对同样在样品中收集的片足类和等足类动物没有明显的不良影响.

For the full study, visit MMCD’s site here:


Highlights of Natular as a Safe and Effective Product for Wide Area Control

The results of both studies underscored the efficacy of Natular in controlling spring 伊蚊 蚊子, while also highlighting its minimal impact on non-target organisms. With OMRI Listed® formulations, US EPA Reduced Risk larvicide offering a unique mode of action, the Natular portfolio sets the standard for efficacy, environmental stewardship, and resistance management. Its active ingredient, spinosad, 是否对多种非目标物种具有低急性和慢性毒性,并在土壤和水中迅速降解.

  • Reduced Risk active ingredient as designated by the US EPA, 这意味着与其他可用的替代品相比,它降低了对人类健康和环境的风险
  • US EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award-winning active ingredient
  • Unique mode of action and a novel class of chemistry, 提供高效的幼虫控制和杀虫剂抗性管理的轮作选择
  • 有机材料审查研究所(OMRI)上市®在有机农业和花园及其周围使用
  • World Health Organization Pre-Qualification Program Listed (WHO PQ Listed) for vector control

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